A blog about blogging

If we were to have coffee today I would talk to you about blogging…

I feel I have been neglecting my blog a little but, its in need of a bit of TLC. Perhaps people don’t notice because I schedule 99% of my posts, but I have been neglecting my blog. I started this blog as a form of self expression. If I’m really really honest, I started this blog as a form of procrastination while I was finishing my last assignments and revision for my degree. The times when I should be doing something are the times when I write the most. I have lots of ideas for what to write all the time, I just only seem to be able to get them down when I should be doing something. Even know, I’m procrastinating on getting dressed and starting the day.

This blog is the third blog I’ve started in my (relatively short) life. Its the most creative blog I’ve ever had.I used to almost exclusively write about myself, usually posts were very angsty or they didn’t go anywhere in particular or were fairly dull, or all of those things rolled in to one. I’ve been able to make this blog something different. That probably has something to do with the fact that I’m no longer a teenager and I have developed a lot as a person over the last year or so. I’m more proud of this blog than I have been of my others, but with that comes some pressure.

I want to do well at this. Ideally I’d like to build an audience and be able to have a bit of a conversation with them. In the past I have definitely blogged out of loneliness: a desire to share my story in some way, wanting to talk to people who understand. Thats never really gone away but I decided to do something different this time. This time I set out to share things that mean something to me, rather than share me. I guess I want this to be a fulfilling experience for myself more than I want other people to like what I write but also I kind of feel that for it to be fulfilling I would like an audience. I’ve got myself in a weird paradox.

One of the weird things I find about blogging is that I’m very happy for strangers to see what I write but I would never dream of sharing it on facebook with people I actually know. It doesn’t make a lot of sense but I almost have two worlds which I really want to keep separate, I can’t really explain it right now: maybe it’ll make itself into its own post one day.

I have a lot of thoughts about the unique thing that is blogging that I wanted to share, perhaps to get me out of this blogging rut. Let me know if you have any thoughts to add!

3 thoughts on “A blog about blogging

  1. Your reflection surprised me. It is very much like something I could have written. More recently, my blog has matured and improved, but it was a long struggle and I experimented a lot with blogging. I’m new to your blog so I can’t make any kind of blogging suggestions, but I wanted to let you know that I understand completely! I used to blog completely out of loneliness and as the only way to share my own opinion. But as I grew older and got out of the house and met my husband, my blogging became something more than that. For a while now, I’ve longed to have a community that I can discuss things with. I think I’m getting there slowly. I’ll check back more often so I hope you keep up writing!

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